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Animal Farm A Classic Fable By George Orwell


Animal Farm: A Classic Fable by George Orwell

The Tale of Manor Farm

George Orwell's renowned novella, Animal Farm, tells the captivating tale of Manor Farm, where the animals rise up against their oppressive human owner, Mr. Jones. After Jones neglects to lock the hen-houses one night due to his drunken stupor, the animals seize the opportunity to rebel.

The Rise of the Animals

Led by the charismatic pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, the animals establish a new society based on the principles of equality and self-governance. However, their noble intentions soon give way to a corrupt dictatorship as Napoleon manipulates the other animals and consolidates his power.

Power and Corruption

Orwell's allegory serves as a profound exploration of power and its corruptive nature. As Napoleon's rule grows more tyrannical, the animals witness a gradual erosion of their freedoms and the ideals they fought for. The novella raises questions about the dangers of unchecked authority and the ease with which power can blind individuals.

Legacy and Impact

Animal Farm remains a timeless and universally acclaimed work of literature. Its simple yet powerful prose, coupled with its enduring themes of oppression, revolution, and totalitarianism, have had a profound impact on readers worldwide. The novella continues to be studied and debated in classrooms, inspiring generations with its insights into the complexities of human nature and the fragility of democratic societies.

